Publications 2014

Publications 2014 issues des unités de recherche partenaires du LabEx TULIP.

Publications représentatives de 2014 :

Comte, L., Murienne, J. & Grenouillet, G. 2014. Species traits and phylogenetic conservatism of climate- induced range shifts in stream fishes.  Nature Communications, 5, 5053.

Haegeman B, Loreau M. 2014a. General relationships between consumer dispersal, resource dispersal and metacommunity diversity.  Ecology Letters, 17: 175-184.

Karasov TL, Kniskern JM, Gao LP, DeYoung BJ, Ding J, Dubiella U, Lastra RO, Nallu S, Roux F, Innes RW, Barrett LG, Hudson RR, Bergelson J (2014). The long-term maintenance of a resistance polymorphism through diffuse interactions.  Nature,512: 436-U472.

Laparre J, Malbreil M, Letisse F, Portais JC, Roux C, Bécard G, Puech-Pagès V (2014). Combining metabolomics and gene expression analysis reveals that propionyl- and butyryl-carnitines are involved in late stages of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis.  Molecular Plant, 7: 554-566.

Myburg AA, Grattapaglia D, Tuskan GA, Hellsten U, Hayes RD, Grimwood J, Jenkins J, Lindquist E, Tice H, Bauer D, Goodstein DM, Dubchak I, Poliakov A, Mizrachi E, Kullan ARK, Hussey SG, Pinard D, Van der Merwe K, Singh P, Van Jaarsveld I, Silva OB, Togawa RC, Pappas MR, Faria DA, Sansaloni CP, Petroli CD, Yang XH, Ranjan P, Tschaplinski TJ, Ye CY, Li T, Sterck L, Vanneste K, Murat F, Soler M, Clemente HS, Saidi N, Cassan-Wang H, Dunand C, Hefer CA, Bornberg-Bauer E, Kersting AR, Vining K, Amarasinghe V, Ranik M, Naithani S, Elser J, Boyd AE, Liston A, Spatafora JW, Dharmwardhana P, Raja R, Sullivan C, Romanel E, Alves-Ferreira M, Lheim CK, Foley W, Carocha V, Paiva J, Kudrna D, Brommonschenkel SH, Pasquali G, Byrne M, Rigault P, Tibbits J, Spokevicius A, Jones RC, Steane DA, Vaillancourt RE, Potts BM, Joubert F, Barry K, Pappas GJ, Strauss SH, Jaiswal P, Grima-Pettenati J, Salse J, Peer YV, Rok khsar DS, Schmutz J (2014). The genome of eucalyptus grandis.  Nature, 510: 356-+.

Remigi R, Capela D, Clerissi C, Tasse L, Torchet R, Bouchez O, Batut J, Cruveiller S, Rocha E PC and Masson-Boivin C.(2014). Transient Hypermutagenesis Accelerates the Evolution of Legume Endosymbionts Following Horizontal Gene Transfer.  PLoS Biology,11(9): e1001942. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001942.

Sallet, E., Gouzy, J., Schiex, T. (2014). EuGene-PP: a next generation automated annotation pipeline for prokaryotic genomes.  Bioinformatics, Volume 30, Issue 18, 15 September 2014, Pages 2659–2661,

Schwitzer C, Mittermeier RA, Johnson SE, Donati G, Irwin M, Peacock H, Ratsimbazafy J, Razafindramanana J, Louis EE, Jr., Chikhi L, Colquhoun IC, Tinsman J, Dolch R, LaFleur M, Nash S, Patel E, Randrianambinina B, Rasolofoharivelo T, Wright PC. 2014. Averting lemur extinctions amid madagascar's political crisis.  Science, 343: 842-843.

Vallina SM, Follows MJ, Dutkiewicz S, Montoya JM, Cermeno P, Loreau M. 2014. Global relationship between phytoplankton diversity and productivity in the ocean.  Nature Communication, 5: 4299.

Warren, B. H., Simberloff, D., Ricklefs, R. E., Aguilée, R., Condamine, F. L., Gillespie, R. G., Gravel, D., Morlon, H., Mouquet, N., Rosindell, J., Casquet, J., Conti, E., Cornuault, J., Fernández-Palacios, J. M., Hengl, T., Norder, S. J., Rijsdijk, K. F., Sanmartín, I., Strasberg, D., Triantis, K., Valente, L. M., Whittaker, R. J., Emerson, B. C. & Thébaud, C. 2014. Islands as model systems in ecology and evolution : progress and prospects fifty years after MacArthur-Wilson.  Ecology Letters, 18, 200-217.

Liste des publications de 2014 :

  • Abbà, S., Galetto, L., Carle, P., Carrere, S., Delledonne, M., Foissac, X., Palmano, S., Veratti, F., Marzachì, C. (2014). RNA-Seq profile of flavescence dorée phytoplasma in grapevine. BMC genomics, 15 (1), 1-13.
  • Achurra, A., Rodriguez, P. & Reynoldson, T. (2014) Is the Cantabrian region of northern Spain a biodiversity hotspot for groundwater obligate fauna? The case of oligochaetes (Annelida, Clitellata).Hydrobiologia,in press
  • Acker, P., Robert, A., Bourget, R. & Colas, B. 2014. Heterogeneity of reproductive age increases the viability of semelparous populations. Functional Ecology, 28, 458-68.
  • Adiredjo AL, Navaud O, Munos S, Langlade NB, Lamaze T, Grieu P (2014). Genetic control of water use efficiency and leaf carbon isotope discrimination in sunflower (helianthus annuus l.) subjected to two drought scenarios. Functional Ecology, 9: 15.
  • Albenne C, Canut H, Hoffmann L, Jamet E (2014). Plant cell wall proteins : a large body of data, but what about runaways ?Proteomes,2: 224-242.
  • Allard L, Grenouillet G, Khazraie K, Tudesque L, Vigouroux R, Brosse S (2014). Electrofishing efficiency in low conductivity neotropical streams: towards a non-lethal fish sampling technique.Fisheries Management and Ecology, 21: 234-243.
  • Alves JM, Chikhi L, Amorim A, Lopes AM (2014). The 8p23 inversion polymorphism determines local recombination heterogeneity across human populations.Genome Biology and Evolution, 6: 921-930.
  • Andrianasolo FN, Casadebaig P, Maza E, Champolivier L, Maury P, Debaeck P (2014). Prediction of sunflower gain oil concentration as a function of variety crop management and environment using statistical models.European Journal of Agronomy, 54: 84-96.
  • Arenas M, Mona S, Trochet A, Sramkova Hanulova A, Currat M, Ray N, Chikhi L, Rasteiro R, Schmeller DS, Excoffier L (2014). The scaling of genetic diversity in a changing and fragmented world.In :Scaling in ecology and conservation, eds. Henle et al. (Pensoft Publishers), [in press].
  • Arnoldi J-F, Faure F, Weich T (2014) Asymptotic spectral gap and Weyl law for Ruelle resonances of open partially expanding maps. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, [in press],
  • Aubret F (2014). Island colonisation and the evolutionary rates of body size in insular neonate snakes.Heredity, Doi: 10.1038/hdy.2014.65
  • Aubret F, Mangin A (2014). The snake hiss: potential acoustic mimicry in a viper-colubrid complex.Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Doi: 10.1111/bij.12374.
  • Aubret F, Tort M, Michniewicz RJ, Blanvillain G, Coulon A (2014). Cooperate or compete? Influence of sex and body size on sheltering behaviour in the wall lizard,Podarcis muralis.Behaviour, [in press].
  • Baguette M, Clobert J, Schtickzelle N, Stevens VM (2014). Populations locales, dispersion et métapopulations.InSciences de la Conservation. Ed by Gauthier-Clerc M, Mesleard F, Blondel J. De Boeck Université, Bruxelles.
  • Baguette M, Stevens VM, Clobert J (2014). The pros and cons of applying the movement ecology paradigm for studying animal dispersal.Movement Ecology, Doi:10.1186/s40462-014-0013-6.
  • Baker TR, Pennington RT, Magallon S, Gloor E, Laurance WF, Alexiades M, Alvarez E, Araujo A, Arets EJJM, Aymard G, Alves de Oliveira A, Amaral I, Arroyo L, Bonal D, Brienen RJW, Chave J, Dexter KG, Di Fiore A, Eler E, Feldpausch TR, Ferreira L, Lopez-Gonzalez G, van der Heijden G, Higuchi N, Honorio E, Huamantupa I, Killeen TJ, Laurance S, Leano C, Lewis SL, Malhi Y, Schwantes Marimon B, Marimon Junior BH, Monteagudo Mendoza A, Neill D, Penuela-Mora MC, Pitman N, Prieto A, Quesada CA, Ramırez F, Ramırez Angulo H, Rudas A, Ruschel AR, Salomao RP, Segalin de Andrade A, Natalino J, Silva M, Silveira M, Simon MF, Spironello W, ter Steege H, Terborgh J, Toledo M, Torres-Lezama A, Vasquez R, Guimaraes Vieira IC, Vilanova E, Vos VA, Phillips OL (2014). Fast demographic traits promote high diversification rates of Amazonian trees.Ecology Letters, 17: 527-536.
  • Barrière Y, Courtial A., Soler M, Grima-Pettenati (2014) Towards the identification of genes underlying maize QTLs for lignin content, focusing on colocalizations with lignin biosynthetic genes and their regulatory MYB and NAC transcription factors. Mol Breeding (sous presse)
  • Basari N.,Bruendl, A.C., Hemingway, C.E., Roberts, N.W., Sendova-Franks, A.B. & Franks, N.R. (2014) Landmarks and ant search strategies after interrupted tandem runs.Journal of Experimental Biology,217, 944-954.
  • Battaglia M, Ripodas C, Clua J, Baudin M, Mario Aguilar O, Niebel A, Eugenia Zanetti M, Antonio Blanco F (2014). A nuclear factor y interacting protein of the gras family is required for nodule organogenesis, infection thread progression, and lateral root growth.Plant Physiology,164: 1430-1442.
  • Bertrand JAM, Bourgeois YXC, Delahaie B, Duval T, Garcia-Jimenez R, Cornuault J, Heeb P, Mila B, Pujol B, Thebaud C (2014). Extremely reduced dispersal and gene flow in an island bird.Heredity, 112: 190-196.
  • Besnard G, Dupuy J, Larter M, Cuneo P, Cooke D, Chikhi L (2014). History of the invasive african olive tree in australia and hawaii: Evidence for sequential bottlenecks and hybridization with the mediterranean olive.Evolutionary Applications, 7: 195-211.
  • Besnard G, El Bakkali A (2014). Sequence analysis of single-copy genes in two wild olive subspecies: nucleotide diversity and potential use for testing admixture.Genome, 57: 145-153.
  • Besnard G, Jühling F, Chapuis E, Zedane L, Lhuillier E, Mateille T, Bellafiore S (2014). Fast assembly of the mitochondrial genome of a plant parasitic nematode (Meloidogyne graminicola) using next generation sequencing.Comptes Rendus Biologies, 337: 295-301.
  • Besnard, G., Christin, P.-A., G. Malé, P.-J., Lhuillier, E., Lauzeral, C., Coissac, E. & Vorontsova, M. S. 2014. From Museums to Genomics : old herbarium specimens shed light on a C3 to C4 transition. Journal of Experimental Botany, 65, 6711-6721.
  • Bestion E, Teyssier A, Aubret F, Clobert J, Cote J (2014). Maternal exposure to predator scents: Offspring phenotypic adjustment and dispersal.Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 281: 9.
  • Blanchet S, Helmus MR, Brosse S, Grenouillet G (2014). Regional vs local drivers of phylogenetic and species diversity in stream fish communities.Freshwater Biology, 59: 450-462.
  • Blevin P, Tartu S, Angelier F, Leclaire S, Bustnes JO, Moe B, Herzke D, Gabrielsen GW, Chastel O (2014). Integument colouration in relation to persistent organic pollutants and body condition in arctic breeding black-legged kittiwakes (rissa tridactyla).Science of the Total Environment, 470: 248-254.
  • Bonhomme M, Andre O, Badis Y, Ronfort J, Burgarella C, Chantret N, Prosperi J-M, Briskine R, Mudge J, Debelle F, Havier H, Hajri A, Baranger A, Tiffin P, Dumans B, Pilet-Nayel M-L, Young ND, Jacquet C (2014). High-density genome-wide association mapping implicates an F-box encoding gene in Medicago truncatula resistance to Aphanomyces euteiches.New Phytologist, 201: 1328-1342.
  • Bonnot, N., Verheyden, H., Blanchard, P., Cote, J., Debeffe, L., Cargnelutti, B., Klein, F., Hewison, M. & Morellet, N. 2014. Inter-individual variability in habitat use: evidence for a risk management syndrome in roe deer? Behavioral Ecology, 26, 105-114.
  • Bottin M, Giraudel J-L, Lek S, Tison-Rosebery J (2014). Diatsom: A r-package for diatom biotypology using self-organizing maps. Diatom Research, 29: 5-9.
  • Boukouvala S, Tsirka T, Sabbagh A, Sim E, Crouau-Roy B, Fakis G (2014). Recombinant arylamine n-acetyltransferases of non-human primates as models for in vitro evaluation of pharmaceutical compounds.Drug Metabolism Reviews, 45: 66-67.
  • Boulanger A., Zischek C., Lautier M., Jamet S., Rival P., Carrère S., Arlat M. and Lauber E. (2014) The plant pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris exploits N-acetylglucosamine during infection.mBio, 5(5):e01527-14.
  • Bourguet D, Ponsard S, Streiff R, Meusnier S, Audiot P, Li J, Wang Z-W (2014). Becoming a species  by becoming a pest’ or how two maize pests of the genus Ostrinia possibly evolved through parallel ecological speciation events. Molecular Ecology, 23: 325–342.
  • Boyer FD, de Saint Germain A, Pouvreau JB, Clavé G, Pillot JP, Roux A, Rasmussen A, Depuydt S, Lauressergues D, Frei Dit Frey N, Heugebaert TS, Stevens CV, Geelen D, Goormachtig S, Rameau C (2014). New strigolactone analogues as plant hormones with low activities in the rhizosphere. Molecular Plant, 7: 675-690.
  • Bozkurt TO, Richardson A, Dagdas YF, Mongrand S, Kamoun S, Raffaele S (2014). The plant membrane-associated remorin1.3 accumulates in discrete perihaustorial domains and enhances susceptibility to phytophthora infestans.Plant Physiology, 165: 1005-1018.
  • Buscaill P, Rivas S (2014). Transcriptional control of plant defence responses.Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 20: 35-46.
  • Calderan-Rodrigues MJ, Jamet E, Bonassi MB, Guidetti-Gonzalez S, Begossi AC, Setem LV, Franceschini LM, Fonseca JG, Labate CA (2014). Cell wall proteomics of sugarcane cell suspension cultures.Proteomics,14: 738-749.
  • Cally, S., Lhuillier, E., Iribar, A., Garzon-Orduña, I., Coissac, E. & Murienne, J. 2014. Shotgun assembly of the complete mitochondrial genome of the neotropical cracker butterfly Hamadryas epinome. Mitochondrial DNA, 16, 1-3.
  • Cam E (2014). The evolutionary significance of latent reproductive rate in a long-lived vertebrate.Journal of Animal Ecology, 83: 1003-1006.
  • Camargo ELO, Nascimento LC, Soler M, Salazar MM, Lepikson-Neto J, Marques WL, Alves A, Teixeira PJPL, Mieczkowski P, Carazzolle MF, Martinez Y, Deckmann AC, Rodrigues JC, Grima-Pettenati J, Pereira G. (2014). Contrasting nitrogen fertilization treatments impact xylem gene expression and secondary cell wall lignification in Eucalyptus. BMC Plant Biology, 14: 256 .
  • Campan EDM, Havard S, Sagouis A, Pélissier C, Muller FJ, Villemant C, Savriama Y, Guéry D, Hu J, Ponsard S (2014). Acceptability and suitability of the European Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner for Macrocentrus cingulum Brischke from Asia and Europe. Biological Control, 74: 13-20.
  • Camps C, Kappel C, Lecomte P, Léon C, Coutos-Thévenot P, Delrot S, Gomès E (2014). Identification of grapevine marker genes for early, non-destructive Eutypa lata infection diagnosis.Plant Pathology, 63: 323–333.
  • Careau V, Biro PA, Bonneaud C, Herrel A (2014). Individual variation in thermal reaction norms: performance in wild-caught tropical clawed frogs.Oecologia,[in press].
  • Casquet, J., Gillespie, R. & Thébaud, C. 2014. Community assembly on remote islands: a comparison of Hawaiian and Mascarene spiders. Journal of Biogeography, 42, 39-50.
  • Chaine A.S., Montgomerie R., and Lyon B.E. (2014) Sexual Conflict from Extrapair Matings in Birds. In:Sexual Conflict(Eds. Rice, W. & Gavrilets, S.) Cold Spring Harbor Press, NY.
  • Chaput-Bardy A, Ducatez S, Legrand D, Baguette M (2014). Fitness costs of thermal reaction norms for wing melanisation in the large white butterfly (pieris brassicae).Plos One, 9: e90026.
  • Charrier O, Dupont P, Pornon A, Escaravage N (2014). Microsatellite marker analysis reveals the complex phylogeographic history of rhododendron ferrugineum (ericaceae) in the Pyrenees.PloS One, 9: e92976.
  • Chave J (2014). Chap 6. Floristic shifts versus critical transitions in Amazonian forest systems.InForests and Global Change: part of Ecological Reviews, Cambridge University Press, Isbn: 9781107614802.
  • Cheeseman K, Ropars J, Renault P, Dupont J, Gouzy J, Branca A, Abraham A-L, Ceppi M, Conseiller E, Debuchy R, Malagnac F, Goarin A, Silar P, Lacoste S, Sallet E, Bensimon A, Giraud T, Brygoo Y (2014). Multiple recent horizontal transfers of a large genomic region in cheese making fungi. Nature Communications, 5: 2876.
  • Cheng L, Blanchet S, Loot G, Villeger S, Zhang T, Lek S, Lek-Ang S, Li Z (2014). Temporal changes in the taxonomic and functional diversity of fish communities in shallow Chinese lakes: The effects of river-lake connections and aquaculture. Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 24:23-34.
  • Chevalier M, Laffaille P, Grenouillet G (2014). Spatial synchrony in stream fish populations: influence of species traits.Ecography, 37: 001-009.
  • Chiang, L.C., Lin, Y.P., Huang, T., Schmeller, D.S. & others (2014) Simulation of ecosystem service responses to multiple disturbances from an earthquake and several typhoons. Landscape and Urban Planning, 122, 41-55.
  • Choulet F, Alberti A, Theil S, Natasha Glover N, Barbe V, Daron J, Pingault L, Sourdille P, Couloux A, Paux E, Leroy P, Mangenot S, Guilhot N, Le Gouis J, Balfourier F, Alaux M, Jamilloux V, Poulain J, Durand C, Bellec A, Gaspin C, Safar J, Jaroslav Dolezel J, Rogers J, Vandepoele K, Aury JM, Klaus Mayer K, Berges H, Quesneville HH, Wincker P, Feuillet C (2014). Structural and functional partitioning of bread wheat chromosome 3B. Science, [In press].
  • Comte, L., Murienne, J. & Grenouillet, G. 2014. Species traits and phylogenetic conservatism of climate- induced range shifts in stream fishes. Nature Communications, 5, 5053.
  • Conti L, Schmidt-Kloiber A, Grenouillet G, Graf W (2014). A trait-based approach to assess the vulnerability of European aquatic insects to climate change.Hydrobiologia, 721: 297-315.
  • Cornuault, J., Delahaie, B., Bertrand, J., Bourgeois, Y., Mila, B., Heeb, P. & Thébaud, C. 2014. Morphological and plumage colour variation in the Réunion grey white-eye (Aves: Zosterops borbonicus): assessing the role of selection. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 144, 459-473.
  • Courchamp, F., Dunne, J. A., Le Maho, Y., May, R. M., Thébaud, C. & Hochberg, M. E. 2014. Fundamental ecology is fundamental. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 30, 9-16.
  • Courdavault V, Papon N, Clastre M, Giglioli-Guivarc'h N, St-Pierre B, Burlat V (2014). A look inside an alkaloid multisite plant: the Catharanthus logistics.Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 13: 19C:43-50.
  • Courtial A, Méchin V, Reymond M, Grima-Pettenati J, Barrière Y (2014). Colocalizations between several QTLs for cell wall degradability and composition in the F288 x F271 early maize RIL progeny raise the question of the nature of the possible underlying determinants and breeding targets for biofuel capacity. BioEnergy Research, 7 : 142-156.
  • Cullimore J, Gough C (2014). Chap 45. Lipochitooligosaccharide Perception and the Basis of Partner Recognition in Root Endosymbioses.InMolecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere. Edited by F. de Bruijn. Wiley, Vol 1, Isbn: 978-1-118-29766-7.
  • Danchin E, Pocheville A (2014). Inheritance is where physiology meets evolution.Journal of Physiology-London, 592: 2307-2317.
  • Danchin E, Wajnberg E, Wagner RH (2014). Avoiding pitfalls in estimating heritability with the common options approach.Scientific Reports, 4: 3974.
  • Danchin, E. & Pocheville, A. 2014. Inheritance is where physiology meets evolution. Journal of Physiology, 592, 2307-2317.
  • David LC, Dechorgnat J, Berquin P, Routaboul JM, Debeaujon I, Daniel-Vedell F, Ferrario-Méry S (2014) Proanthocyanidin oxidation of Arabidopsis seeds is altered in mutant 2 of the high affinity nitrate transporter NRT2.7. J. Exp. Bot. 65(3):885-893
  • de Bernonville TD, Noel LD, SanCristobal M, Danoun S, Becker A, Soreau P, Arlat M, Lauber E (2014). Transcriptional reprogramming and phenotypical changes associated with growth of xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris in cabbage xylem sap. Fems Microbiology Ecology, 89: 527-541.
  • de Bruijn FJ (2014). The quest for biological nitrogen fixation in cereals : a perspective and prospective.In:Biological Nitrogen Fixation. Frans de Bruijn [sous la direction], Hoboken, USA : Wiley-Blackwell, Isbn: 9781118637043.
  • de la Torre F, Rodríguez R, Gago J, Villar B, Álvarez-Otero R, Grima-Pettenati J, Gallego PP (2014). Genetic transformation of Eucalyptus globulus : advantages of using the vascular-specific EgCCR over the constitutive CaMV35S promoter. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 117 : 77-84.
  • de Oliveira AA, Vicentini A, Chave J, Casthano CdT, Davies SJ, Martini AMZ, Lima RAF, Ribeiro RR, Iribar A, Souza VC (2014). Habitat specialization and phylogenetic structure of tree species in a coastal Brazilian white-sand forest.Journal of Plant Ecology, 7: 134-144.
  • Delmas C, Escaravage N, Cheptou PO, Charrier O, Ruzafa S, Winterton P, Pornon A (2014). Relative impact of mate versus pollinator availability on pollen limitation and outcrossing rates in a mass-flowering species.Plant Biology, [In press].
  • Delmas CEL, Escaravage N, Pornon A (2014). Massive floral display affects insect visits but not pollinator-mediated pollen transfer in rhododendron ferrugineum.Plant Biology, 16: 234-243.
  • Delmas, C., Cheptou, P. O., Escaravage, N. & Pornon, A. 2014. High lifetime inbreeding depression counteracts the reproductive assurance benefit of selfing in a mass-flowering shrub. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 14, 243.
  • Denancé N, Szurek B, Noel LD (2014). Emerging functions of nodulin-like proteins in non-nodulating plant species.Plant and Cell Physiology, 55: 469-474.
  • Deslandes L, Genin S (2014). Opening the Ralstonia solanacearum type III effector tool box: insights into host cell subversion mechanisms.Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 20: 110-117.
  • Dias MS, Oberdorff T, Hugueny B, Leprieur F, Jezequel C, Cornu JF, Brosse S, Grenouillet G, Tedesco PA (2014). Global imprint of historical connectivity on freshwater fish biodiversity.Ecology Letters, 17: 1130-1140.
  • Dimeglio C, Gallon S, Loubes JM, Maza E (2014) A robust algorithm for template curve estimation based on manifold embedding.Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 70: 373-386.
  • Dore J, Marmeisse R, Combier JP, Gay G (2014). A fungal conserved gene from the basidiomycete hebeloma cylindrosporum is essential for efficient ectomycorrhiza formation.Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 27: 1059-1069.
  • Ducatez S, Humeau A, Congretel M, Fréville H, Baguette M (2014). Butterfly species differing in mobility show different structures of dispersal-related syndromes in the same fragmented landscape.Ecography, 37: 378-389.
  • Dugé de Bernonville T., Noël LD., SanCristobal M., Danoun S., Becker A., Soreau P., Arlat M. and Lauber E. (2014) Transcriptional reprogramming and phenotypical changes associated with growth of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris in cabbage xylem sap.FEMS Microbiol Ecol., 89: 527-541.
  • Dugé de Bernonville TD, Albenne C, Arlat M, Hoffmann L, Lauber E, Jamet E (2014). Xylem sap proteomics.Methods in Molecular Biology, 1072: 391-405.
  • Duplan V, Rivas S (2014). E3 ubiquitin-ligases and their target proteins during the regulation of plant innate immunity.Frontiers in Plant Science, 5: 42.
  • El-Sharkawy I, Sherif S, Jones B, Mila I, Kumar P, Bouzayen M, Jayasankar S(2014). TIR1-like auxin-receptors are involved on the regulation of plum fruit development.J. Exp. Bot. 65(18):5205-5215
  • Emilio T, Quesada CA, Costa F, Magnusson WE, Schietti J, Feldpausch TR, Brienen RJ, Baker TR, Chave J, Alvarez E, Araujo A, Banki O, Castilho CV, Honorio EN, Killeen TJ, Malhi Y, Oblita Mendoza EM, Monteagudo A, Neill D, Parada GA, Pena-Cruz A, Ramirez-Angulo H, Schwarz M, Silveira M, ter Steege H, Terborgh JW, Thomas R, Torres Lezama A, Vilanova E, Phillips OL (2013). Soil physical constraints limit palm and tree basal area in Amazonian forests. Plant Ecology and Diversity, Doi:10.1080/17550874.2013.772257.
  • Encinas-Viso F, Revilla TA, Etienne RS (2014). Shifts in pollinator population structure may jeopardize pollination service.Journal of Theoretical Biology, 352: 24-30.
  • Encinas-Viso F, Revilla TA, Van Velzen E, Etienne RS (2014). Frugivores and cheap fruits make fruiting fruitful.Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 27: 313-324.
  • Etemadi M, Gutjahr C, Couzigou J-M, Zouine M, Lauressergues D, Timmers A, Audran C, Bouzayen M, Becard G, Combier J-P (2014). Auxin perception is required for arbuscule development in arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis.Plant Physiology, 166: 281-292.
  • Evangelista C, Boiche A, Lecerf A, Cucherousset J (2014). Ecological opportunities and intraspecific competition alter trophic niche specialization in an opportunistic stream predator.Journal of Animal Ecology, 83:1025-1034.
  • Fawal N, Li Q, Mathe C, Dunand C (2014). Automatic multigenic family annotation: Risks and solutions.Trends in Genetics, 30: 323-325.
  • Fernandez-Palacios, J. M., Otto, R., Thébaud, C. & Price, J. 2014. Overview of habitat history in subtropical oceanic island summit ecosystems. Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research, 46, 801-809.
  • Fontanillas E; Hood ME; Badouin H; Petit E; Barbe V; Gouzy J; de Vienne DM; Aguileta G; Poulain J; Wincker P; Chen Z; Toh SS; Cuomo CA; Perlin MH; Gladieux P; Giraud T, (2014) Degeneration of the non-recombining regions in the mating-type chromosomes of the anther-smut fungi. Molecular Biology And Evolution [Mol Biol Evol], ISSN: 1537-1719, 2014 Dec 21;
  • Formey D, Sallet E, Lelandais-Brière C, Ben C, Bustos-Sanmamed P, Niebel A, Frugier F, Combier JP, Debellé F, Hartmann C, Poulain J, Gavory F, Wincker P, Roux C, Gentzbittel L, Gouzy J, Crespi M (2014). The small RNA diversity fromMedicago truncatularoots under biotic interactions evidences the environmental plasticity of the miRNAome.Genome Biology, 15: 457.
  • Foroozanfar M, Exbrayat S, Gentzbittel L, Bertoni G, Maury P, Naghavie MR, Peyghambari A, Badri M, Ben C, Debelle F, Sarrafi A (2014). Genetic variability and identification of quantitative trait loci affecting plant growth and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in the model legume medicago truncatula under control and salt stress conditions.Functional Plant Biology, 41: 983-1001.
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Date de modification : 07 juin 2023 | Date de création : 16 septembre 2014 | Rédaction : TULIP Communication