
The main objective of TULIP is to study the impact of environmental changes on biotic interactions at various scales and levels of complexity. We aim at improving our understanding of the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms at every scale, from genes to ecosystems. Only a deep understanding of these mechanisms can allow us to manage biological systems efficiently as requested by human societies. From molecules to individuals and their physiology, researchers thus study all levels of organisation, including behaviour, species and communities.


Such production of knowledge will contribute to improve tools and will bring answers to some agronomic, ecological and conservation issues. We want to design applications such as new environment friendly products (biopesticides, biofertilizers), genetic improvements for species of agronomic interest (in terms of disease resistance, exploitation of the ligno-cellulosic biomass or improvement of the nutritional quality), as well as define conservation actions that are efficient because they are rooted in a thorough knowledge of ecological and evolutionary mechanisms.

For this goal, TULIP develops a genuine policy of partnership with research laboratories and other facilities whether private or public.

Ambitions are to structure and strengthen the local dynamic of excellence that is already developing. Besides, TULIP is totally in accordance with sustainable agriculture and environmentally-sound agricultural products as well as with the growing need for efficient conservation actions in order to manage biodiversity at every scale.

Challenges of TULIP LabEx for:


This project is part of the demand for sustainable agriculture and is part of the programme called "Ecophyto 2018". This programme aims to reduce pesticide uses by 50% before 2018.


This project merges biology with ecology by focusing on interactions at various scales: between plants and their environment, plants and microorganisms, animal partners within intra or inter specific interactions at the scale of communities, in natural and / or human modified conditions.


By joining the Toulouse IdEx, TULIP will strengthen the international visibility of this regional pole, on top of the fact that partners are already members of several European projects such as KBBE Plantation, and the Solanaceae Genome Network (SGN) consortium.


Based on recognized experience, the TULIP training project aims at improving its success and attractiveness by creating an international Master's degree, coupled with a summer school and an education committee plus the development of technological training programmes.


Partners of TULIP already have numerous collaborations with agroindustry, in particular within the framework of the competitiveness pole called "Agrimip Innovations" as well as with conservation institutions such as Natural Parks, Botanic conservatories etc. For example, the scientists will intend to develop new environment friendly fertilizers and genetically improved crops and will work on the valorisation of biodiversity by fostering ecotourism in order to train the general public.