Towards sustainable agriculture and land management policies

After the exponential growth of agricultural production during the 20th century, the current environmental policy is oriented more and more towards long-term sustainable practices, a "sustainable agriculture" rooted in the knowledge of the mechanisms that rule ecosystems to preserve natural resources as well as human health. The research carried out by the TULIP LabEx units has considerable potential to help in building such an ecologically sound policy.

The TULIP scientific community has strong expertise in plant and microbe biology, as well as in ecology and evolutionary biology.

We study biotic interactions at every scales of living organization, from the scale of the molecular dialog between plants and their mocrobiota, to the scale of organisms’ interactions within populations and ecosystems, as well as to the timescale of evolution. Our knowledge on mechanisms of ecosystem functioning at these various scales allows us to design, test and propose new approaches of sustainable management of natural and agronomical environments in relation to human activities.

For example, our researchers work on improving the relationship between plants and soil bacteria, which supply the former with nutrients in order to avoid massive artificial inputs. Similarly, our knowledge on the ecology of fresh water fish species allow us to design biological indices of river water quality and thus of the good health of the surrounding ecosystems.