Training and higher education

The TULIP LabEx aims to develop close links between academics from traditionally separate research fields to offer postgraduate research programmes meeting the highest academic standards at the international level.

By putting in place new teaching arrangements and creating a new environment where high quality research is the norm, TULIP provide excellent support for doing and learning about research in the general area of integrative biology and ecology.

Four main actions:

TULIP provides an excellent opportunity to improve the excellence of our teaching and to increase its attractivity for international students. This evolution in our teaching strategy will be facilitated by several important characteristics of the TULIP consortium:

- TULIP is a research-led teaching platform with a very strong research profile and a wide range of expertise of its 150 teachers and scholars (from UT3, CNRS, INRA and INP)

- New modern facilities for teaching (first wave of the “Toulouse Plan Campus” funded programme), including fieldwork facilities (SEEM in Moulis provides excellent modern teaching and lodging facilities)

- State of the art technological facilities

- Strong experience in teaching courses in English (participation in several ITN Marie Curie and other EU programmes, running of the Master’s degree AGROFOODCHAIN entirely in English)

- Excellent connections with private sector partners through AGRIMIP Innovation (e.g. , with opportunities for students to participate in the new “Junior Enterprise” (first activities in 2011) of Paul Sabatier University