Organization chart


In this folder

The Executive Committee, composed of 17 members, centralizes & analyzes other committees' proposals, takes decisions and checks the optimal adequation between TULIP funds and goals.

The TULIP ISB (International Scientific Board) is currently made up of 8 members. It allows an external evaluation of all types of TULIP LabEx projects and also plays an advisory role in the development of new projects within the LabEx' perimeter.

The Scientific committee is composed of 26 elected and appointed members. Their missions consist in leading the scientific life and assume an advising role to manage scientific policy.

The Pedagogical committee is made up of 36 elected and appointed members. Its mission consists in organizing all the TULIP Graduate School Calls for Projects as well as the educational activities of TULIP and TULIP Graduate School, including the recruitment of students of the Master TULIP-GS and the LabEx's summer school.

The Innovation committee aims at increasing technology transfert from TULIP partner labs to companies and building links between these two communities.

This committee is part of the Fédération de Recherche « Agrobiosciences, Interactions & Biodiversité » (FR AIB). Its composition is defined and shown on their website.

Project manager & Communication officer