Video of Junior Lab

Discover the videos of the Junior Lab 2024 of the FBE master.

Junior Lab 2024 videos

Junior Lab 2023 videos

Junior Lab 2022 videos

What's “Junior Lab” ?

Team Construction of the “Junior Lab” Project (8 weeks)

Working in small groups, students address problems raised by non-profit organizations, associations, natural reserves, municipalities, professional organizations or private companies. With the help of tutors, students write a formal grant application describing (i) the interdisciplinary aspect of the problem-solving strategy they propose, (ii) the experimental protocols with associated costs, and/or (iii) the statistical/theoretical models that are performed.

Team implementation of the “Junior Lab” Project and Reporting (5 months)

Each student team will perform the experimental/modeling strategy proposed in their “Junior Lab” grant application. Free access to necessary experimental equipment and/or computing facilities are provided and, under tutors’ supervision, teams are autonomous enough to organize and execute their project. Then, each student team collectively writes a report on their “Junior Lab” project and defends it in front of a jury.

Modification date: 15 July 2024 | Publication date: 20 May 2022 | By: TULIP Communication