Feedback on the international Molecular Mycorrhiza Meeting (iMMM 2017)

Members of the LIPM and the LRSV successfully organized the third edition of the international molecular mycorrhiza meeting, sponsored by TULIP, on July 27 and 28, 2017, in the auditorium of the Museum of Natural History in Toulouse.

The 116 participating scientists from 17 countries gathered for 7 plenary sessions on the following topics:

  • Fungal/host signaling and communication (Chair: Uta Paszkowski)
  • New symbiotic signals and fungal effectors (Chair: Francis Martin)
  • Host/fungal reprogramming during mycorrhizal associations (Chair: Giles Oldroyd & Caroline Gutjahr) – 2 sessions
  • Evolution of host symbiotic mechanisms (Chair: Martin Parniske)
  • Novel mycorrhizal associations and model systems (Chair: Nicolas Frei dit Frey)
  • Symbiotic regulatory and trophic mechanisms (Chair: Maria Harrison)

Two days focused on mycorrhizae

As ancient and widespread mutualistic symbioses, mycorrhizae involve associations between certain soil fungi and the roots of host plants, including most cultivated plant species. These beneficial associations improve both plant nutrition and health and are studied by a large international community whose long-term objectives are to promote sustainable agricultural practices with reduced requirements for irrigation, chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

An ESOF 2018 event

Previous editions were held in Munich in 2012 and in Cambridge in 2015. The iMMM 2017 was affiliated to the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF), a biennial European event to be held in Toulouse, "European City of Science", from 9 to 14 July 2018 ( Participants were very positive about the quality of the scientific program and choice of venue.

Modification date : 07 June 2023 | Publication date : 07 November 2017 | Redactor : Guillaume Cassiède-Berjon & Guillaume Bécard