The Conundrum of Heterogeneities in Life History Studies

In a review published last November in Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Emmanuelle Cam and collaborators critically analyze the methods used to test the "neutral theory of life stories", synthesizing the approaches and terminology proposed by other disciplines concerning the analysis of longitudinal data (ie long-term monitoring of individuals) and advocate for the use of these approaches in evolutionary ecology.

What causes interindividual variation in fitness? Evidence of heritability of latent individual fitness traits has resparked a debate about the causes of variation in life histories in populations: neutralism versus empirical adaptationism. This debate about the processes underlying observed variation pits neutral stochastic demographic processes against evolutionarily relevant differences among individual fitness traits. Advancing this debate requires careful consideration of differences among inference approaches used by proponents of each hypothesis. Here we draw parallels between several disciplines focusing on processes generating variation in individuals’ life-course, and we contrast methodologies to disentangle these processes. We draw on other disciplines to clarify terminology, risks of flawed inference, and expand the panel of hypotheses and formalizations of processes generating variation in life histories.

See also

Références :

Cam, E., Aubry, L. M., & Authier, M. (2016). The Conundrum of Heterogeneities in Life History Studies. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 31(11), 872-886.

Modification date : 07 June 2023 | Publication date : 06 March 2017 | Redactor : Guillaume Cassiède-Berjon & Emmanuelle Cam