A large-scale project to develop sprout soybean cultivation in France

The SOYSTAINABLE scientific project, led by Jean-Malo Couzigou at LRSV, was officially launched on February 9 for the next six years. Read the full article on CNRS Occitanie Ouest website.

This news item is extracted from a more detailed news item published on the CNRS Occitanie Ouest website. : https://www.occitanie-ouest.cnrs.fr/fr/cnrsinfo/un-projet-de-grande-envergure-pour-developper-la-culture-du-soja-germe-en-france

See also

Contact : Jean-Malo Couzigou
CNRS researcher at Laboratoire de recherche en sciences végétales (LRSV - CNRS, Toulouse INP, UT3)

Modification date: 29 January 2024 | Publication date: 29 January 2024 | By: Tulip Communication, Jean-Malo Couzigou, CNRS Occitanie Ouest