Edward Farmer Prestige Seminar on 23 March

23 March 2023

Marc Ridet, INRAE Auzeville-Castanet

Edward E. Farmer, Professor of Plant Molecular Biology at the University of Lausanne, will give a Prestige Seminar in Toulouse on "Electrical signalling in wounded plants", on Thursday 23 March at 11:00 a.m., in the Marc Ridet room at the INRAE centre in Auzeville-Castanet. The seminar is open to all, members and non-members of the LabEx.


Electrical signalling in wounded plants

"When leaves are attacked by herbivores they produce electrical signals called slow wave potentials (SWPs) which propagate from sites of damage to distal leaves. In Arabidopsis, SWP propagation depends on several clade 3 GLUTAMATE RECEPTOR-LIKE (GLR) genes including GLR3.3 and GLR3.6 that act genetically as regulators of membrane depolarization. Our work has established two main roles for these GLR genes.

Firstly, GLR3.3 and GLR3.6 are necessary for SWP propagation leading to the activation of the synthesis of the defense hormone jasmonoyl isoleucine (JA-Ile). Secondly, the action of these GLRs in SWP signalling leads to turgor-driven leaf movements in Arabidopsis. These micromovements resemble the larger and well-known wound-response leaf movements of M. pudica. We are employing further genetic approaches in attempts to understand the mechanism of electrical signal propagation from sites of wounding to distal, undamaged leaves. These approaches have identified a mechanism in which factors released from damaged cells are transported through the xylem to initiate vascular membrane depolarization.

This talk will summarize our latest findings in the context of electrical signalling in plants and animals."


Wound- and mechanostimulated electrical signals control hormone responses.
Farmer EE, Gao YQ, Lenzoni G, Wolfender JL, Wu Q. New Phytol. 227:1037-1050. doi.org/10.1111/nph.16646

We invite you to come to the seminar in person

In order to benefit the entire TULIP community, the event will also be broadcast on Zoom :
ID de réunion : 603 542 4594 / Code secret : Efarmer23!

The seminar is open to all, members and non-members of the LabEx !


Professor Farmer will be present on 23 and 24 March, if you wish to contact him, please contact : satoshi.fujita@univ-tlse3.fr

Bandeau Farmer

Contact: changeMe@inrae.fr

Publication date: 19 July 2023