2015 Publications

2015 Publications from research units partner of TULIP LabEx project.

Representative publications of 2015:

Baguette, M., Legrand, D., Stevens, V.M. (2015) An Individual-Centered Framework For Unravelling Genotype-Phenotype Interactions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 30: 709-711.

Bestion, E., Teyssier, A., Richard, M., Clobert, J. & Cote, J. (2015) Live Fast, Die Young: Experimental Evidence of Population Extinction Risk due to Climate Change. PLoS Biology, 13, e1002281.

Bestion, E., Clobert, J. & Cote, J. (2015) Dispersal response to climate change: scaling down to intraspecific variation. Ecology Letters, 18, 1226-1233.

Delaux PM, Radhakrishnan GV, Jayaraman D, Cheema J, Malbreil M, Volkening JD, Sekimoto H, Nishiyama T, Melkonian M, Pokorny L, Rothfels CJ, Sederoff HW, Stevenson DW, Surek B, Zhang Y, Sussman MR, Dunand C, Morris RJ, Roux C, Wong GK, Oldroyd GE, Ané JM (2015) Algal ancestor of land plants was preadapted for symbiosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 112 : 13390-13395.

Hao Y, Hu G, Breitel D, Liu M, Mila I, Frasse P, Aharoni A, Bouzayen M, Zouine M(2015). Auxin Response Factor SlARF2 is an essential component of the regulatory mechanism controlling fruit ripening in Tomato. PLoS Genet. 11(12): e1005649.

Hatton, I.A., McCann, K.S., Fryxell, J.M., Davies, T.J., Smerlak, M., Sinclair, A.R.E., & Loreau, M. (2015) The predator-prey power law: Biomass scaling across terrestrial and aquatic biomes. Science, 349 (6252), aac6284

Lauressergues D, Couzigou JM, Clemente HS, Martinez Y, Dunand C, Bécard G, Combier JP (2015) Primary transcripts of microRNAs encode regulatory peptides. Nature 520(7545) : 90-3.

Le Roux C, Huet G, Jauneau A, Camborde L, Tremousaygue D, Kraut A, Zhou B, Levaillant M, Adachi H, Yoshioka H, Raffaele S, Berthome R, Coute Y, Parker JE, Deslandes L (2015) A Receptor Pair with an Integrated Decoy Converts Pathogen Disabling of Transcription Factors to Immunity. Cell 161 : 1074-1088

Warren, B. H., Simberloff, D., Ricklefs, R. E., Aguilée, R., Condamine, F. L., Gillespie, R. G., Gravel, D., Morlon, H., Mouquet, N., Rosindell, J., Casquet, J., Conti, E., Cornuault, J., Fernández-Palacios, J. M., Hengl, T., Norder, S. J., Rijsdijk, K. F., Sanmartín, I., Strasberg, D., Triantis, K., Valente, L. M., Whittaker, R. J., Emerson, B. C. & Thébaud, C. (2015). Islands as model systems in ecology and evolution: progress and prospects fifty years after MacArthur-Wilson. Ecology Letters, 18, 200-217.

Zhu X, Dunand C, Snedden W, Galaud JP.(2015) CaM and CML emergence in the green lineage. Trends Plant Sciences 20(8):483-9

2015 publications list:

  • Aubret, F. (2015) Island colonisation and the evolutionary rates of body size in insular neonate snakes. Heredity, 115, 349-356.
  • Achurra, A., Rodriguez, P., & Erséus, C. (2015). Pseudo-cryptic speciation in the subterranean medium: A new species of Stylodrilus Claparède, 1862, with a revision of the status of Bichaeta Bretscher, 1900 (Annelida, Clitellata, Lumbriculidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger-A Journal of Comparative Zoology, 257, 71-86.
  • Achurra, A., Rodriguez, P., & Reynoldson, T. B. (2015). Is the Cantabrian region of northern Spain a biodiversity hotspot for obligate groundwater fauna? The case of oligochaetes (Annelida, Clitellata). Hydrobiologia, 745(1), 151-166.
  • Aguilée, R., de Villemereuil, P. & Guillon, J.-M. 2015. Dispersal evolution and resource matching in a spatially and temporally variable environment. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 370, 184-196.
  • Ali, N., Tavoillot, J., Mateille, T., Chapuis, E., Besnard, G., El Bakkali, A., Cantalapiedra-Navarrete, C., Liebanas, G., Castillo, P. & Palomares-Rius, J. E. 2015. A new root-knot nematode Meloidogyne spartelensis n. sp (Nematoda: Meloidogynidae) in Northern Morocco. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 143, 25-42.
  • Altermatt F, Fronhofer EA, Garnier A, Giometto A, Hammes F, Klecka J, Legrand D, Mächler E, Massie TM, Pennekamp F, Plebani M, Pontarp M, Schtickzelle N, Thuillier V, Petchey OL (2015) Big answers from small worlds: a user's guide for protist microcosms as a model system in ecology and evolution. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6(2): 218-231.
  • Alves, J. M., Lima, A. C., Pais, I. A., Amir, N., Celestino, R., Piras, G., Monne, M., Comas, D., Heutink, P., Chikhi, L., Amorim, A. & Lopes, A. M. 2015. Reassessing the Evolutionary History of the 17q21 Inversion Polymorphism. Genome Biology and Evolution, 7, 3239-3248.
  • Alves-Carvalho S, Aubert G, Carrère S, Cruaud C, Brochot A-L, Jacquin F, Klein A, Martin C, Boucherot K, Kreplak J, da Silva C, Moreau S, Gamas P, Wincker P, Gouzy J, Burstin J (2015). Full-length de novo assembly of RNA-seq data in pea (Pisum sativum L.) provides a gene expression atlas and gives insights into root nodulation in this species. Plant Journal, 84(1): 1-19."
  • Amir, N., Sahnoune, M., Chikhi, L. & Atmani, D. 2015. STR-based genetic structure of the Berber population of Bejaia (Northern Algeria) and its relationships to various ethnic groups. Gene, 574, 140-148.
  • Arnberg N., Shizuka D., Chaine A.S., and Lyon B.E. (2015) Social network structure in wintering golden-crowned sparrows is not correlated with kinship. Molecular Ecology 24: 5034-5044
  • Aubret F, Blanvillain G & Kok PJR 2015. Myth busting? Effects of embryo positioning and egg rolling on hatching success in the water snake Natrix maura. Scientific reports, 5: 13385.
  • Aubret F, Tort M & Sarraude T. (2015) Evolution of alternative foraging tactics driven by water temperature and physiological constraints in an amphibious snake. The Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 115(2), 411-422.
  • Auguères, A.-S. & Loreau, M. (2015) — Can organisms regulate global biogeochemical cycles? Ecosystems. 18: 813–825.
  • Auguères, A.-S. & Loreau, M. (2015) — Regulation of Redfield ratios in deep ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 29: 254-266.
  • Badis Y, Bonhomme M, Lafitte C, Huguet S, Balzergue S, Dumas B, Jacquet C (2015) Transcriptome analysis highlights preformed defenses and signaling pathways controlled by the prAe1 QTL, conferring partial resistance to Aphanomyces euteiches in Medicago truncatula. Mol. Plant.Pathol. 16 : 973-986
  • Baguetten, M., Legrand, D., Stevens, V.M. (2015)  An Individual-Centered Framework For Unravelling Genotype-Phenotype Interactions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 30: 709-711.
  • Baron E, Richirt J, Villoutreix R, Amsellem L, Roux F (2015). The genetics of intra- and interspecific competitive environment and effect in a local population of an annual plant species. Functional Ecology, 29:1361-1370.
  • Barriere, Y., A. Courtial, M. Soler and J. Grima-Pettenati (2015). Toward the identification of genes underlying maize QTLs for lignin content, focusing on colocalizations with lignin biosynthetic genes and their regulatory MYB and NAC transcription factors. Molecular Breeding 35(3).
  • Baudin M, Laloum T, Lepage A, Rípodas C, Ariel F, Blanco F, Zanetti ME, Crespi M, Gamas P, de Carvalho-Niebel F, Niebel A (2015). A phylogenetically conserved group of NF-Y proteins interact to control nodulation in Legumes. Plant Physiology, 169(4): 2761-2773.
  • Bellafiore, S., Jougla, C., Chapuis, E., Besnard, G., Suong, M., Vu, P. N., De Waele, D., Gantet, P. & Thi, X. N. 2015. Intraspecific variability of the facultative meiotic parthenogenetic root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne graminicola) from rice fields in Vietnam. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 338, 471-483.
  • Bensmihen S (2015). Hormonal Control of Lateral Root and Nodule Development in Legumes. Plants , 4: 523-547; doi:10.3390/plants4030523
  • Bertrand, J. A. M., Bourgeois, Y. X. C. & Thébaud, C. 2015. Population density of the Réunion Grey White-eye Zosterops borbonicus within the summit ecosystems of Réunion, Mascarene Islands. Ostrich, 10.2989/00306525.2015.1080198
  • Besnard, G. & Rubio de Casas, R. 2015. Single versus multiple independent olive domestications: the jury is (still) out. New Phytologist, 10.1111/nph.13518
  • Bestion, E., Clobert, J. & Cote, J. 2015. Dispersal response to climate change: scaling down to intraspecific variation. Ecology Letters, 18, 1226-1233.
  • Bestion, E., Cucherousset, J., Teyssier, A. & Cote, J. 2015. Non-consumptive effects of a top-predator decrease the strength of the trophic cascade in a four-level terrestrial food web. Oikos, 124, 1597-1602.
  • Bestion, E., Teyssier, A., Richard, M., Clobert, J. & Cote, J. 2015. Live Fast, Die Young: Experimental Evidence of Population Extinction Risk due to Climate Change. PLoS Biology, 13, e1002281.
  • Bestion, E., Teyssier, A., Richard, M., Clobert, J., & Cote, J. (2015). Live Fast, Die Young: Experimental Evidence of Population Extinction Risk due to Climate Change. PLoS Biology, 13(10): e1002281.
  • Blanquet P, Silva L, Catrice O, Bruand C, Carvalho H, Meilhoc E (2015). Sinorhizobium meliloti controls NO-mediated post-translational modification of a Medicago truncatula nodule protein. Mol Plant Microbe Interact, 28: 1353-1363.
  • Boham DA, Landuyt D, Ma A, Macfadyen S, Martinet V, Massol F, McInerny G, Montoya JM, Mulder C, Pascual U and others (2015) - Networking our way to better Ecosystem Service provision. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. (online early). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2015.12.003
  • Bolot S.*, Cerutti A.*, Carrère S., Arlat M., Fischer-Le Saux M., Portier P., Poussier S., Jacques M-A., Noël LD. (2015) Genome sequences of the race 1 and race 4 Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris strains CFBP 1869 and CFBP 5817. Genome Announcement. 3(5):e01023-15.
  • Bonhomme M, Boitard S, San Clemente H, Dumas B, Young N, Jacquet C (2015) Genomic signature of selective sweeps illuminates adaptation of Medicago truncatula to root-associated microorganisms. Mol. Biol. Evol. 2 : 2097–2110
  • Bonneaud C, E Marnocha, A Herrel, B Vanhooydonck, DJ Irschick, .TB Smith (2015) Developmental plasticity affects sexual size dimorphism in an anole lizard. Functional Ecology
  • Bonnot, N., Verheyden, H., Blanchard, P., Cote, J., Debeffe, L., Cargnelutti, B., Klein, F., Hewison, M. & Morellet, N. 2015. Inter-individual variability in habitat use: evidence for a risk management syndrome in roe deer? Behavioral Ecology, 26, 105-114.
  • Bouaziz D, Charfeddine M, Jbir R, Saidi MN, Pirrello J, Charfeddine S, Bouzayen B, Gargouri-Bouzid R (2015). Identification and functional characterization of ten AP2/ERF genes in potato. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 123 (1): 155-172.
  • Boukouvala, S., Tsirka, T., Drakomathioulaki, N., Giannouri, D., Marinakis, N., Rizou, S., Zaliou, S., Sabbagh, A., Crouau-Roy, B. & Fakis, G. 2015. Enzymatic activities of novel nat1 and nat2 polymorphic variants found in a population of model primate macaca mulatta (rhesus macaque). Drug Metabolism Reviews, 47, 60-60.
  • Boutin, M., Lamaze, T., Couvidat, F. & Pornon, A. 2015. Subalpine Pyrenees received higher nitrogen deposition than predicted by EMEP and CHIMERE chemistry-transport models. Scientific Reports, 5, 12942.
  • Brachi B, Meyer C, Villoutreix R, Platt A, Morton TC, Roux F, Bergelson J (2015). Coselected genes determine adaptive variation in herbivore resistance throughout the native range of Arabidopsis thaliana. PNAS, 112(13):4032-4037.
  • Brienen, R. J. W., Phillips, O. L., Feldpausch, T. R., Gloor, E., Baker, T. R., Lloyd, J., Lopez-Gonzalez, G., Monteagudo-Mendoza, A., Malhi, Y., Lewis, S. L., Vasquez Martinez, R., Alexiades, M., Alvarez Davila, E., Alvarez-Loayza, P., Andrade, A., Aragao, L. E. O. C., Araujo-Murakami, A., Arets, E. J. M. M., Arroyo, L., Aymard C, G. A., Banki, O. S., Baraloto, C., Barroso, J., Bonal, D., Boot, R. G. A., Camargo, J. L. C., Castilho, C. V., Chama, V., Chao, K. J., Chave, J., Comiskey, J. A., Cornejo Valverde, F., da Costa, L., de Oliveira, E. A., Di Fiore, A., Erwin, T. L., Fauset, S., Forsthofer, M., Galbraith, D. R., Grahame, E. S., Groot, N., Herault, B., Higuchi, N., Coronado, E. N. H., Keeling, H., Killeen, T. J., Laurance, W. F., Laurance, S., Licona, J., Magnussen, W. E., Marimon, B. S., Marimon-Junior, B. H., Mendoza, C., Neill, D. A., Nogueira, E. M., Nunez, P., Pallqui Camacho, N. C., Parada, A., Pardo-Molina, G., Peacock, J., Pena-Claros, M., Pickavance, G. C., Pitman, N. C. A., Poorter, L., Prieto, A., Quesada, C. A., Ramirez, F., Ramirez-Angulo, H., Restrepo, Z., Roopsind, A., Rudas, A., Salomao, R. P., Schwarz, M., Silva, N., Silva-Espejo, J. E., Silveira, M., Stropp, J., Talbot, J., ter Steege, H., Teran-Aguilar, J., Terborgh, J., Thomas-Caesar, R., Toledo, M., Torello-Raventos, M., Umetsu, R. K., Van der Heijden, G. M. F., Van der Hout, P., Vieira, I. C. G., Vieira, S. A., Vilanova, E., Vos, V. A. & Zagt, R. J. 2015. Long-term decline of the Amazon carbon sink. Nature, 519, 344-348.
  • Buendia L, Wang T, Girardin A and Lefebvre B. (2015) The LysM receptor-like kinase SlLYK10 regulates the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in tomato. New Phytologist,  DOI: 10.1111/nph.13753
  • Camps  C, Jardinaud M-F,  Rengel D, Carrère S, Hervé  C, Debellé F, Gamas P, Bensmihen S, Gough C (2015). Combined genetic and transcriptomic analysis reveals three major signalling pathways activated by Myc-LCOs in Medicago truncatula. New Phytologist, 208: 224-240
  • Carocha V, Soler M, Hefer CA, Cassan-Wang H, Fevereiro P, Myburg AA, Paiva JP, Grima-Pettenati J. (2015). Genome-wide analysis of the lignin toolbox of Eucalyptus grandis. New Phytologist 206(4): 1297-1313.
  • Cerri M, Gamas P, and de Carvalho-Niebel F  (2015). AP2/ERF transcription factors and root nodulation. In: Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Ed. Frans de Bruijn, Vol 2, Chap 62, 609-622, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. publisher
  • Chabaud M, Gherbi H, Pirolles E, Vaissayre V, Fournier J, Moukouanga D, Franche C, Bogusz D, Tisa LS, Barker DG, Svistoonoff S (2016). Chitinase-resistant hydrophilic symbiotic factors secreted by Frankia activate both Ca2+ spiking and NIN gene expression in the actinorhizal plant Casuarina glauca. New Phytologist, 209: 86-93.
  • Chaine A.S. and Lyon B.E. (2015) Signal Architecture: temporal variability and individual consistency of multiple sexually selected signals. Functional Ecology 24: 1178-1188.
  • Chaine, A.S., Montgomerie R.D. & Lyon, B.E. (2015) Sexual conflict arising from extrapair matings in birds. In “The Genetics and Biology of Sexual Conflict”, Rice W. and Gavrilets S. eds. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology. (doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a017590)
  • Chalak, L., Haouane, H., Essalouh, L., Santoni, S., Besnard, G. & Khadari, B. 2015. Extent of the genetic diversity in Lebanese olives: a mixture of an ancient germplasm with recently introduced varieties. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 62, 621-633
  • Chang ES, Neuhof M, Rubinstein ND, Diamant A, Philippe H, Huchon D (2015) - Genomic insights into the evolutionary origin of Myxozoa within Cnidaria - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (48), 14912-14917
  • Chevalier, M., Laffaille, P., Ferdy, J. B. & Grenouillet, G. 2015. Measurements of spatial population synchrony: influence of time series transformations. Oecologia, 179, 15-28.
  • Clavijo F, Diedhiou I, Vaissayre V, Brottier L, Acolatse J, Moukouanga D, Crabos A, Auguy F, Franche C, Gherbi H, Champion A, Hocher V, Barker D, Bogusz D, Tisa LS, Svistoonoff S (2015). The Casuarina NIN gene is transcriptionally activated throughout Frankia root infection as well as in response to bacterial diffusible signals. New Phytologist, 208: 887-903.
  • Comte, L. & Grenouillet, G. 2015. Distribution shifts of freshwater fish under a variable climate: comparing climatic, bioclimatic and biotic velocities. Diversity and Distributions, 21, 1014-1026.
  • Conti, L., Comte, L., Hugueny, B. & Grenouillet, G. 2015. Drivers of freshwater fish colonisations and extirpations under climate change. Ecography, 37, 1-10.
  • Cornuault, J., Delahaie, B., Bertrand, J., Bourgeois, Y., Mila, B., Heeb, P. & Thébaud, C. 2015. Morphological and plumage colour variation in the Réunion grey white-eye (Aves: Zosterops borbonicus): assessing the role of selection. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 116, 986-987.
  • Cornuault, J., Khimoun, A., Cuneo, P. & Besnard, G. 2015. Spatial segregation and realized niche shift during the parallel invasion of two olive subspecies in south-eastern Australia. Journal of Biogeography, 42, 1930–1941.
  • Corso M, Vannozzi A, Maza E, Vitulo N, Meggio F, Pitacco A, Telatin A, D'Angelo M, Feltrin E, Negri AS, Prinsi B, Valle G, Ramina A, Bouzayen M, Bonghi C, Lucchin M (2015). Comprehensive transcript profiling of two grapevine rootstock genotypes contrasting in drought susceptibility links the phenylpropanoid pathway to enhanced tolerance. Journal of Experimental Botany. 66(19): 5739-52.
  • Corso M, Vannozzi A, Ziliotto F, Zouine M, Nicolato T, Maza E, Vitulo N, Meggio F, Valle G, Bouzayen M, Müller M, Munné-Bosch S, Lucchin M, Bonghi C (2016). Grapevine rootstocks differentially affect the rate of ripening and modulate auxin-related genes in Cabernet Sauvignon berries. Front. Plant Sci. (in press)
  • Cotelle V and Leonhardt N(2015) 14-3-3 proteins in guard cell signaling. Front. Plant Sci. , 6:1210.
  • Coulon, A., Aben, J., Palmer, S.C.F., Stevens, V.M., Callens, T., Strubbe, D., Lans, L., Matthysen, E., Baguette M., Travis, J.M.J. (2015) A stochastic movement simulator improves estimates of landscape connectivity. Ecology, 96: 2203-2213
  • Couzigou JM, Lauressergues D, Bécard G, Combier JP (2015) miRNA-encoded peptides (miPEPs) : a new tool to analyse the roles of miRNAs in plant biology. RNA Biology, DOI : 10.1080/15476286.2015.1094601.
  • Crane J, Savage J, Russell A (2015) Diversity and function of vocalisations in the cooperatively breeding chestnut-crowned babbler. Emu
  • Cucherousset, J. & Villeger, S. 2015. Quantifying the multiple facets of isotopic diversity: new metrics for stable isotope ecology. Ecological Indicators, 56, 152-160.
  • de Bruijn FJ (2015). Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Vol 1 and 2, FJ de Bruijn (ed), Wiley-Blackwell (Hoboken, NJ, USA)
  • de Bruijn FJ (2015). Biological nitrogen fixation. In Principles of Plant-Microbe interactions, B Lugtenberg (ed), Springer International Publishing (Switzerland), p. 215-224.
  • de Bruijn FJ (2015). The quest for biological nitrogen fixation in cereals : a perspective and prospective. In Biological Nitrogen Fixation, FJ de Bruijn (ed), Wiley-Blackwell (Hoboken, NJ, USA), p. 1089-1101.
  • De Roissart, A., Wang, S. & Bonte, D. (2015) — Spatial and spatiotemporal variation in metapopulation structure affects population dynamics in a passively dispersing arthropod. Journal of Animal Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.12400.
  • Delaux PM, Radhakrishnan GV, Jayaraman D, Cheema J, Malbreil M, Volkening JD, Sekimoto H, Nishiyama T, Melkonian M, Pokorny L, Rothfels CJ, Sederoff HW, Stevenson DW, Surek B, Zhang Y, Sussman MR, Dunand C, Morris RJ, Roux C, Wong GK, Oldroyd GE, Ané JM (2015) Algal ancestor of land plants was preadapted for symbiosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 112 : 13390-13395.
  • Delmas, C., Escaravage, N., Cheptou, P. O., Charrier, O., Ruzafa, S., Winterton, P. & Pornon, A. 2015. Relative impact of mate versus pollinator availability on pollen limitation and outcrossing rates in a mass-flowering species. Plant Biology 17, 209-218.
  • Dupoiron S., Zischek C., Ligat L., Carbonne J., Boulanger A., Dugé de Bernonville T., Lautier M., Rival P., Arlat M., Jamet E., Lauber E.*, Albenne C. (2015) The N-glycan cluster from Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris: a toolbox for sequential plant N-glycan processing. J Biol Chem. 290(10):6022-6036.
  • Engesser S, Crane JMS, Savage JL, Russell AF, Townsend SW (2015) Experimental Evidence for Phonemic Contrasts in a Nonhuman Vocal System. PLoS Biol 13 (6), e1002171
  • Evangelista, C., Britton, J. R. & Cucherousset, J. 2015. Impacts of invasive fish removal through angling on population characteristics and juvenile growth rate. Ecology and Evolution, 5, 2193-2202.
  • Fauset, S., Johnson, M. O., Gloor, M., Baker, T. R., A., M. M., Brienen, R. J. W., Feldpausch, T. R., Lopez-Gonzalez, G., Malhi, Y., ter Steege, H., Pitman, N. C. A., Baraloto, C., Engel, J., Pétronelli, P., Andrade, A., Camargo, J. L. C., Laurance, S. G. W., Laurance, W. F., Chave, J. & al., A. E. e. 2015. Hyperdominance in Amazonian forest carbon cycling. Nature communications, 6, 6857.
  • Flavenot, T. Fellous, S., Abdelkrim, A., Baguette, M., Coulon. A. (2015) Impact of quarrying on genetic diversity: an approach across landscapes and over time. Conservation Genetics, 16: 181–194.
  • Fliegmann J, Bono J-J (2015). Lipo-chitooligosaccharidic nodulation factors and their perception by plant receptors. Glycoconj J, 32: 455-464.
  • Fournier J, Teillet A, Chabaud M, Ivanov S, Genre A, Limpens E, de Carvalho-Niebel F, Barker DG (2015). Remodeling of the infection chamber before infection thread formation reveals a two-step mechanism for rhizobial entry into the host legume root hair. Plant Physiology, 167: 1233-1242.
  • Francoz E, Ranocha P, Burlat V, Dunand C (2015) Arabidopsis seed mucilage 1 secretory cells : Regulation and dynamics. Trends in Plant Science 20: 515-524.
  • Francoz E, Ranocha P, Nguyen-Kim H, Jamet E, Burlat V, Dunand C (2015) Roles of cell wall peroxidases in plant development. Phytochemistry 112: 15-21.
  • Gascuel, F., Ferrière, R., Aguilée, R. & Lambert, A. 2015. How Ecology and Landscape Dynamics Shape Phylogenetic Trees. Systematic Biology, 64, 590-607.
  • Ghorbel M, Zaidi I, Robe E, Ranty B, Mazars C, Galaud JP, Hanin M. (2015) The activity of the wheat MAP kinase phosphatase 1 is regulated by manganese and by calmodulin. Biochimie, 108:13-9
  • Guo, Z., Liu, J., Lek, S., Li, Z., Zhu, F., Tang, J. & Cucherousset, J. 2015. Age, growth and population dynamics of two congeneric and invasive gobies, Rhinogobius giurinus and R. cliffordpop(Actinopterygii, Gobiidae) in a plateau lake, southwestern China. Hydrobiologia, 763, 69-79.
  • Guo, Z., Liu, J., Lek, S., Li, Z., Zhu, F., Tang, J., Britton, J. R. & Cucherousset, J. 2015. Coexisting invasive gobies reveal no evidence for temporal and trophic niche differentiation in the sublittoral habitat of Lake Erhai, China. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 10.1111/eff.12249
  • Haegeman, B. & Loreau, M. (2015) — A graphical-mechanistic approach to spatial resource competition. The American Naturalist, 185: E1-E13.
  • Hao Y, Hu G, Breitel D, Liu M, Mila I, Frasse P, Aharoni A, Bouzayen M, Zouine M (2015). Auxin Response Factor SlARF2 is an essential component of the regulatory mechanism controlling fruit ripening in Tomato. PLoS Genet. 11(12): e1005649.
  • Hatton, I.A., McCann, K.S., Fryxell, J.M., Davies, T.J., Smerlak, M., Sinclair, A.R.E., & Loreau, M. (2015) — The predator-prey power law: Biomass scaling across terrestrial and aquatic biomes . Science, 349 (6252), aac6284
  • Hautekèete NC, Frachon L, Luczak C, Toussaint B, Van Landuyt W, Van Rossum F, Piquot Y (2015). Habitat type shapes long-term plant biodiversity budgets in two densely populated regions in norrth-western Europe. Diversity and Distributions, 21:631-642.
  • Hemptinne, J.-L. & Magro, A. 2015. Role of larval tracks in reducing competition between aphid predators and the consequences for biological control. Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem, 79, 73-82.
  • Hussey S.G., Saïdi M.N., Hefer C.A., Myburg A.A. and Grima-Pettenati J. (2015) Structural, evolutionary and functional analysis of the NAC domain protein family in Eucalyptus. New Phytologist 206(4): 1337-1350
  • Huth G., Haegeman B., Pitard E., Munoz F. (2015) - Long-distance rescue and slow extinction dynamics govern multiscale metapopulations - The American Naturalist Vol. 186, No. 4, pp. 460-469
  • Isbell F., Craven D., Connolly J. & Loreau M. etc. (2015)— Biodiversity increases the resistance of ecosystem productivity to climate extremes. Nature, page 574, vol. 526
  • Isbell, F., Tilman D., Polasky S. & Loreau, M. (2015) — The biodiversity-dependent ecosystem service debt. Ecology Letters, 18: 119-134.
  • Jacob S, Bestion E, Legrand D, Clobert J, Cote J (2015) Habitat matching and spatial heterogeneity of phenotypes: implications for metapopulation and metacommunity functioning. Evolutionary Ecology, 29(6): 851-871.
  • Jacob S, Parthuisot N, Vallat A, Ramon-Portugal F, Helfenstein F, Heeb P (2015) Microbiome affects egg carotenoid investment, nestling development and adult oxidative costs of reproduction in Great tits. Functional Ecology. 29, 1048-1058.
  • Jacob S., Chaine A.S., Huet M., Schtickzelle N., and Clobert J. (2015) Social information and colonization strategies orient dispersal in cooperative Tetrahymena thermophila. Journal of Animal Ecology 48: 1373–1383. Jacob and Chaine are co-first authors.
  • Jacob, S., Bestion, E., Legrand, D., Clobert, J. & Cote, J. 2015. Habitat matching and spatial heterogeneity of phenotypes: implications for metapopulation and metacommunity functioning. Evolutionary Ecology, 29, 851-871.
  • Jacob, S., Parthuisot, N., Vallat, A., Ramon-Portugal, F., Helfenstein, F. & Heeb, P. 2015. Microbiome affects egg carotenoid investment, nestling development and adult oxidative costs of reproduction in Great tits. Functional Ecology, 29, 1048-1058.
  • Jara, M. C., Henry, M., Mechain, M. R., Lopez, O. R., Wayson, C., Fuentes, J. M. M., Castellanos, E., Zapata-Cuartas, M., Piotto, D., Guier, F. A., Lombis, H. C., Lara, R. C., Rojas, K. C., Pasquel, J. D., Montoya, A. D., Vega, J. F., Galo, A. J., Marklund, L. G., Milla, F., Chaidez, J. D. N., Malavassi, E. O., Perez, J., Zea, C. R., Garcia, L. R., Pons, R. R., Saint-Andre, L., Sanquetta, C., Scott, C. & Westfall, J. 2015. Overcoming obstacles to sharing data on tree allometric equations. Annals of Forest Science, 72, 789-794.
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  • Jaworski, C. C., Andalo, C., Raynaud, C., Simon, V., Thebaud, C. & Chave, J. 2015. The Influence of Prior Learning Experience on Pollinator Choice: An Experiment Using Bumblebees on Two Wild Floral Types of Antirrhinum majus. PLoS ONE, 10, e0130225.
  • Jaworski, C. C., Thebaud, C. & Chave, J. 2015. Dynamics and persistence in a metacommunity centred on the plant Antirrhinum majus: theoretical predictions and an empirical test. Journal of Ecology, 10.1111/1365-2745.12515.
  • JL Savage, AF Russell, RA Johnstone (2015) Maternal allocation in cooperative breeders: should mothers match or compensate for expected helper contributions?. Animal Behaviour 102, 189-197
  • JMS Crane, JL Pick, AJ Tribe, E Vincze, BJ Hatchwell, AF Russell (2015) Chestnut-crowned babblers show affinity for calls of removed group members: a dual playback without expectancy violation. Animal Behaviour 104, 51-57
  • K McAuliffe, R Wrangham, L Glowacki, AF Russell (2015) When cooperation begets cooperation: the role of key individuals in galvanizing support. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 370 (1683), 20150012
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  • KL Kramer, AF Russell (2015) Was monogamy a key step on the hominin road? reevaluating the monogamy hypothesis in the evolution of cooperative breeding. Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews 24 (2), 73-83
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  • Legrand, D., Trochet, A., Moulherat, S., Calvez, O., Stevens, V. M., M., V., Ducatez, S., Clobert, J. & Baguette, M. 2015. Ranking the ecological causes of dispersal in a butterfly. Ecography, 38 822-831.
  • Legrand, D., Trochet, A., Moulherat, S., Calvez, O., Stevens, V.M., Ducatez, S., Clobert, J., Baguette, M. (2015) Ranking the ecological causes of dispersal in a butterfly. Ecography, 38: 822-831
  • Leroux, S. J. & Loreau, M. (2015) — Theoretical perspectives on bottom-up and top-down interactions across ecosystems. In Trophic Ecology: Bottom-Up and Top-Down Interactions across Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems, T. C. Hanley & K. J. La Pierre Eds, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 3-27.
  • Li, Q., H. Yu, P. B. Cao, N. Fawal, C. Mathe, S. Azar, H. Cassan-Wang, A. A. Myburg, J. Grima-Pettenati, C. Marque, C. Teulieres and C. Dunand (2015). Explosive Tandem and Segmental Duplications of Multigenic Families in Eucalyptus grandis. Genome Biol Evol 7(4) : 1068-1081.
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  • Liu M, Pirrello J, Chervin C, Roustan JP, Bouzayen M (2015) Ethylene control of fruit ripening: Revisiting the complex network of transcriptional regulation. Plant Physiol. 169 (4):2380-90.
  • Liu R, How-Kit A, Stammitti L, Teyssier E, Rolin D, Mortain-Bertrand A, Halle S, Liu M, Kong J, Wu C, Degraeve-Guibault C, Chapman NH, Maucourt M, Hodgman TC, Tost J, Bouzayen M, Hong Y, Seymour GB, Giovannoni JJ, Gallusci P (2015). A DEMETER-like DNA demethylase governs tomato fruit ripening. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 112(34):10804-9.
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  • M Staley, C Bonneaud (2015) Immune responses of wild birds to emerging infectious diseases. Parasite immunology 37 242-254,
  • Maire, E., Grenouillet, G., Brosse, S. & Villeger, S. 2015. How many dimensions are needed to accurately assess functional diversity? A pragmatic approach for assessing the quality of functional spaces. Globab Ecology and Biogeography, 24, 728-740.
  • Makhloufi E, Yousfi FE, Pirrello J, Bernadac A, Ghorbel A, Bouzayen M (2015). TdERF1, an Ethylene Response Factor associated with dehydration responses in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum). Plant Signal. Behavior. 10(10): e1065366.
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  • Mellard J.P., de Manzancourt C. & Loreau, M. (2015) — Evolutionary responses to environmental change: trophic interactions affect adaptation and persistance. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 282: 20141351.
  • Merkling, T., Welcker, J., Hewison, M., Hatch, S. A., Kitaysky, A., Speakman, J., Danchin, E. & Blanchard, P. 2015. Identifying the Selective Pressures Underlying Offspring Sex-Ratio Adjustments. Behavioral Ecology, 26, 916-925.
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  • MH Warrington, LA Rollins, AF Russell, SC Griffith (2015) Sequential polyandry through divorce and re-pairing in a cooperatively breeding bird reduces helper-offspring relatedness. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69 (8), 1311-1321
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  • Nomano FY, Browning LE, Savage JL, Rollins LA, Griffith SC, Russell AF (2015) Unrelated helpers neither signal contributions nor suffer retribution in chestnut-crowed babblers. Behavioral Ecology, arv023
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  • Paz-Vinas I, Blanchet S (2015). Dendritic connectivity shapes spatial patterns of genetic diversity: a simulation-based study. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 28: 986-994
  • Paz-Vinas I, Loot G., Stevens V., and  Blanchet S  (2015). Evolutionary processes driving spatial patterns of intra-specific genetic diversity in river ecosystems. Molecular Ecology, 24: 4586-4604
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  • Sagouis, A., Cucherousset, J., Villeger, S., Santoul, F. & Bouletreau, S. 2015. Non-native species modify the isotopic structure of freshwater fish communities across the globe. Ecography, 38, 979-985.
  • Salmona, J., Jan, F., Rasolondraibe, E., Besolo, A., Ousseni, D. S., Beck, A., Zaranaina, R., Rakotoarisoa, H., Rabarivola, C. J. & Chikhi, L. 2015. Extensive survey of the Endangered Coquerel's sifaka Propithecus coquereli. Endangered Species Research, 25, 175-183.
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