ERC Consolidator Grant for Julien Cote

The European Research Concil (ERC) awarded the "Consolidator Grant" grants on Thursday, 29 November, to finance 5-year exploratory research projects, for a maximum budget of 2 million euros. One of the selected projects, named ECOFEED, is carried by Julien Cote of the EDB laboratory (CNRS / UT3 - Paul Sabatier / IRD).

Julien Cote, CNRS researcher at the Evolution & Biodiversity Laboratory since 2011, obtained his doctorate on the influence of social information in the dispersion process at the Laboratory on the Functioning and Evolution of Ecological Systems (Paris, UPMC). He then continued his research during two postdoctoral fellows in Dijon (laboratory Biogeosciences, CNRS / EPHE / University of Burgundy) and in California (UC Davis). His research has allowed him to focus on different issues (colored signals, oxidative stress and immune response, stress ecology, animal personality ecology, biological invasions) and different study models (mandarin diamond, gambusie, viviparous lizard). His current research focuses on the ecological and evolutionary impacts of climate change using the Metatron of the Station of theoretical and experimental ecology of Moulis in Ariege (SETE, CNRS / UT3 - Paul Sabatier) as a large-scale semi-natural experimental system.

"ECOFEED" project: modification of eco-evolutionary interactions in a warmer climate

Current scenarios predict an acceleration of biodiversity loss with climate change. Predictions are complicated by the diversity of ecological and evolutionary impacts and their interactions. Thanks to a warming experiment in a semi-natural context, this project proposes to study the effect of the evolution of a predatory species in a warmer climate on the functioning of the communities and vice versa. A series of complementary experiments will quantify the reciprocity of interactions between ecological and evolutionary impacts in order to better predict the alteration of biodiversity. A project at the heart of the scientific logic of TULIP.

Modification date : 07 June 2023 | Publication date : 05 December 2018 | Redactor : TULIP Communication