First meeting of the new TULIP Pedagogical Committee

The TULIP Pedagogical Committee is now common to the LabEx and EUR. Constituted at the end of last year, the new committee gathered for the first time on January 16th, 2020 during a plenary meeting.

The TULIP-Graduate School of Research project was accepted in September 2019 and corresponds to a logical extension of the pedagogical component of the LabEx. This project is coordinated by Jean-Marc Deragon (LGDP), Monique Gardes (EDB) and Jean-Philippe Galaud (LRSV).
Built at the end of 2019, the new Pedagogical Council is now common between the two projects (LabEx and EUR), and involves researchers and teacher-researchers from our units, including elected members, appointees, and of course graduate school and master's degrees managers.
We thank the people who are committed and put their energy and creativity to implement the actions of the EUR and the already existing components of the LabEx.

Modification date : 07 June 2023 | Publication date : 29 January 2020 | Redactor : TULIP Communication