Final lap for the Innovation call for project

As part of its general objectives of stimulating the transfer of scientific discoveries in collaborative projects with private partners, the LabEx TULIP funds up to 50% of transfer projects within its scientific scope. A call for Innovation projects is currently running until March 25, 2016.

In line with the coordination, facilitation and financing of emerging innovation actions in the past two years, the TULIP LabEx launched a call for proposals in 2015. The purpose of this call is to support operations of pre-maturation and knowledge transfer. It is thus addressed to both to the TULIP scientific community as well as potential private partners in our network. A period of four months was left to potential projects leaders to establish partnerships and the project co-constructions. TULIP will fund selected projects up to 50%. To answer this call you need to write a one page letter of intent, for project’s spanning over 6 to 12 months.

If you have a project fitting that framework and would like to respond to this call, please complete the attached document below and return it before March 25, 5:00 pm at the latest.

Modification date : 07 June 2023 | Publication date : 24 February 2016 | Redactor : TULIP Communication