PhD "Tutorial Assignation" Call

Third-year PhD students from the two Doctoral Schools associated to TULIP-GS, and belonging to one of the six TULIP laboratories, will have the opportunity to apply to a TULIP-GS PhD Tutorial Assignation.

Objective: Allow PhD students from the SEVAB and ED305 doctoral schools, working in one of the 6 TULIP laboratories, to have a first tutoring experience by joining one of the two eligible 2024 Junior Lab projects of the Master in Functional Biology and Ecology. PhD students will join a team of Junior Lab scientific tutors for a five-month assignment (average of 6 hours of work per month), starting at the end of January 2024. At the end, each tutor assignment will lead to the validation of 30h of training by the SEVAB or ED305 doctoral schools. The PhD tutors will contribute, in collaboration with the scientific tutors, to the theoretical and practical guidance of the Master students involved in the Junior Lab projects. A brief description of the four Junior Lab projects is attached to this document.

Maximum number of PhD Laureates this year: 3

Selection criteria (by order of priority):

1. Motivation of the candidate

2. Good correspondence between the candidate expertise and the theme of the selected Junior Lab project

Our selection procedure will guarantee equal opportunities to all applicants.

Expected structure of the application (in English):

1. A short CV (half a page)
2. A letter of motivation indicating which Junior Lab project the candidate wants to integrate and a statement indicating that the candidate has informed his/her PhD supervisor
3. A short description of the adequation between the candidate expertise and the selected junior lab project (250 words).

Applications must be sent as one single pdf file to:


1. Publication of the call: November 9, 2023
2. Deadline to respond: January 12, 2024
3. Publication of results: January 19, 2024

The PhD Tutorial Assignation will start for five months on January 22, 2024.

See also

Modification date: 09 November 2023 | Publication date: 28 May 2020 | By: TULIP Communication