Forum TULIP 2024

From 12 Nov. 2024 to 13 Nov. 2024

Auditorium Marthe Condat - Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III

On 12 and 13 November, the annual TULIP Forum will be held in the Marthe Condat auditorium at the Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III.

date forum tulip 24


The Forum is open to the entire TULIP community, laboratory staff and partners (subject to capacity).

Please register before 31 October :

Catering is provided by LabEx TULIP, please register to estimate requirements.


Tuesday 12th

8:30 Coffee reception
9:00 Introduction by LabEx coordinators - Matthieu Arlat and Alexis Chaine
9:30 ZA PYGAR: a Workshop Zone in Occitanie, involved in the development of new environmental observation tools - Arnaud Elger – CRBE
10:00 Coffee break
10:30  Epigenetic variations are more substantial than genetic variations in rapid adaptation of oyster to Pacific oyster mortality syndrome -Jérémie Vidal-Dupiol - IHPE
11:00  Senior Package: Dynamics of ecological and evolutionary systems: from genes to communities - Patrik Nosil – SETE

12:00 Lunch

13:30  A meta-experimental evolution: genomics of adaptation of multiple organisms in complex environments - Emilie Aubin - SETE
14:00 The evolution of antimicrobial resistance with a focus on antimicrobialpeptides - Jens Rolff – Freie Universität Berlin – Labex International Scientific board member
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Presentation of TULIP Graduate School - EUR coordinators
15:45 Antibiotic use in oyster hatcheries affect Vibrio antibiotic resistance genes acquisition - Julia Mougin - IHPE
16:15  Discussion about Interface
Delphine Legrand (NF DISPOOM), Nabil Majdi and Jérémy Jabiol (NF ELICOS), Simon Blanchet (NF FUNCEE),  Alexis Chaine (NF GENCOG), Philippe Remigi (NF HORIZON), Nicolas Brucato (NF MICROPAP)

17:15 Cocktail

Wednesday 13th

8:30 Coffee reception
9:00 New Frontiers: Impact of transposons on plant adaptation and development by alternative splicing - Nathalie Picault – LGDP
9:30 New Frontiers: Ecosystem synchrony: a novel currency to quantify ecosystem response and resilience to global change - Julien Cucherousset – CRBE
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 New Frontiers: How does receptor signaling respond to heat stress in the tapetum ? - Artemis Perraki – LRSV
11:00 Corné Pieterse – Utrecht University – Labex International Scientific board member

12:00 Lunch

13:30 New Frontiers: Life after symbiosis ? Exploring the rhizobial fate and physiology during the legume nodule senescence - Benjamin Gourion - LIPME
14:00 Early stage of speciation in an insect-mimicking orchid: Ophrys aveyronensis - Anaïs Gibert - LGDP
14:30 Dynamics of human-nature interactions - Michel Loreau - SETE
15:30 Ending coffee
