Call for proposals DATASHARE 2022

The aim of this DATASHARE joint call (Cesab, FRB, TULIP, PNDB, BiodivOc) is to accelerate the sharing of open-access and large scale ‘novel’ biodiversity related datasets.

Joint call between the CEntre for the Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity (CESAB) of the French Foundation for Biodiversity Research (FRB), the Laboratory of Excellence (LabEX) TULIP, the National Center for Biodiversity Data (PNDB) and the challenge BiodivOc, supported by the Occitanie region and the University of Montpellier.

The aim of this DATASHARE joint call is to accelerate the sharing of open-access and large scale ‘novel’ biodiversity related datasets. This call complements classical biodiversity synthesis calls, which aim at fostering the analysis of existing data and the synthesis of ideas and concepts, with a specific focus on data compilation and sharing. It can be considered as a preliminary step, but not mandatory, before submitting a research proposal to a classical biodiversity synthesis call (e.g. CESAB, sDiv, NCEAS). 

Will be considered any dataset of ecological value such as occurrence, abundance, genomic, phylogenetic, functional, biogeochemical, biodiversity related data on any functions, taxa, communities, or ecosystems, anywhere on Earth and at any time. Socio-economic and/or environmental data will also be considered if clearly linked to the above mentioned biodiversity related data. Cross-level datasets combining different levels of biodiversity will be most appreciated.

 For its first 2022 edition, the DATASHARE joint call will fund two 2-years projects.

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