Diego Vázquez « Visiting Scientist » seminar

19 September 2019

EDB seminar room (4R1)

Diego Vázquez will give a seminar « Ecological interactions in time and space » on Thursday september 19, at 11:30 am in the EDB seminar room (4R1)


Diego Vázquez is a biologist broadly interested in ecology, with an emphasis on community ecology, plant-animal interactions, especially pollination and other plant-animal mutualisms, ecological networks, and invasions biology. He is a CONICET Principal Researcher at the Argentine Institute for Dryland Research (IADIZA), in Mendoza, Argentina, and also an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the National University of Cuyo, where he teaches Ecology and Conservation biology. The main interest of his lab is the ecology of interspecific interactions. They seek to understand the ecological causes and consequences of biotic interactions and how they respond to human-caused environmental changes. Their research is motivated by questions that lead them to combine a variety of approaches, including field observational studies, manipulative experiments, computer simulations, meta-analyses of data from the literature, mathematical models, and conceptual work with pen and paper. They work mainly with plants and insects (especially bees and other pollinators), but are open to studying other kinds of organisms if the question requires it.

Lab web site: https://interactio.org/

Personal web site: https://interactio.org/group/dvazquez/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/dpvazquez

Contact: changeMe@inrae.fr

Publication date : 07 June 2023