Plant adaptation to environmental variation: a two day meeting in Banyuls

Sponsored by TULIP, the Plant Adapt meeting was held in Banyuls last 12 to 14 September, two and a half days devoted to the mechanisms of adaptation of plants to environmental variation. An opportunity to highlight the many recent advances in the field, and to promote exchanges and the establishment of new collaborations among researchers gathered in Banyuls-sur-Mer.

The 67 participants from BIOM, BPMP, CRAG, LGDP, LIPM, LOMIC, LRSV and the Max-Planck Institute (Tübingen) attended 24 oral presentations - 7 of them by junior researchers - and a poster session at the interface between plants, their environment, and the underlying mechanisms of adaptation.

The Director of the Genome and Plant Development Laboratory that organized the meeting, Jean-Marc Deragon (whom we interviewed when the LGDP joined TULIP >>>) concluded this symposium by suggesting a regular meeting every two years. Let's hope for the persistence of this new event!


Modification date : 07 June 2023 | Publication date : 04 October 2018 | Redactor : TULIP Communication