colored flies

Beyond DNA: integrating inclusive inheritance into an extended theory of evolution

Current evolutionary approaches reduce heredity to the sole genes. However, evidence is accruing that various forms of non-genetic information are transmitted across generations and thus participate to evolution. In a paper published in Nature Reviews Genetics, an international team encompassing three members of the federation de Recherche 3450 (EDB, UMR 5174 CNRS-Université Paul Sabatier-ENFA and “SEEM, USR 2936 CNRS) call for a more inclusive paradigm integrating all forms of non-genetic heredity into a single theory of evolution. It is the party taken by the TULIP Labex project to which three of the authors take part.

Modification date : 07 June 2023 | Publication date : 25 April 2012 | Redactor : Communication team