PhD "Side Project" Allocations Call

Objective: Allow PhD students from the two Doctoral Schools affiliated with TULIP-GS and based in one of the 6 TULIP Laboratories to fund a small autonomous "Side Project". The estimated amount of work required to complete the proposed project should correspond, at maximum, to the equivalent of 3 months of work full-time, although the project can span a longer period if performed part time. Also, the project will need to be complementary (in terms of discipline and/or methods) to the applicant PhD project. A project based on a simple follow-up of the applicant PhD thesis project (same type of methodology, same biological question) will not be eligible.

Maximum funding per project: 5k€ (Salary and equipment costs are not eligible). Up to 5 projects will be financed in this campaign.
Up to 5 projects will be financed in this campaign.

Selection criteria (by order of priority):

  1. Scientific quality and feasibility of the research project.
  2. The project must be clearly distinct and complementary in term of discipline and/or methods to the PhD project.
  3. Risky projects and/or projects aiming to reinforce competences at the interface between functional biology and ecology/evolution or between the Major Themes of    Research (MTRs) of the TULIP LabEx are encouraged.
  4. Quality of the applicant CV.

Our selection procedure will guarantee equal opportunities to all applicants

Expected structure of the application (in English):
1. A short CV (half a page)
2. A summary of the PhD project (150 words)
3. A description of the independent "Side Project" (350 words)
4. A description of the complementary aspects of the side project (150 words)
5. A timetable
6. Expected results and valorization perspectives (100 words)
7. PhD supervisor opinion (to be sent independently of the candidate application)
8. A detailed presentation of the requested budget including a signed commitment of not being financed elsewhere for the same scientific project

Candidate application and PhD supervisor opinion must be sent independently as one single pdf files to

1. Publication of the call: April 3, 2023
2. Deadline to respond: May 26, 2023
3. Publication of results: June 29, 2023

The scientific "Side Project" can be planned to start from September 2023 and must be completed before the end of December 2024

(a short scientific report will be required at the end of the project)