Séminaire « Prestige » Niko Geldner

06 septembre 2019

Salle Marc-Ridet (campus INRA Auzeville)

Niko Geldner donnera un séminaire « Root damage and immune responses at cellular resolution » le vendredi 6 septembre à 11h en salle de conférence Marc-Ridet.


Photo Niko

Microbe-associated molecular pattern (MAMP) recognition is crucial to the plant’s immune system, but how this sophisticated perception system can be usefully deployed in roots, continuously exposed to bacteria, remains unresolved. We have analyzed MAMP receptor expression and responses at cellular resolution in Arabidopsis and found that differentiated outer layers, exposed to bacteria, show low receptor levels and lack MAMP responsiveness. However, these cells can be locally “gated” to become responsive, by either neighbor cell damage or emerging lateral roots.

Laser-induced localized damage also leads to immune responses to an otherwise non-immunogenic, beneficial bacterium and enhances responses to a root pathogenic bacterium. We find that single cell damage in roots leads to regional ROS and calcium waves, ethylene responses, but no detectable jasmonate responses. Treatment with DAMPs alone do not re-iterate laser-induced damage and that, surprisingly, the highly local upregulation of MAMP responses by damage is independent of ethylene signalling.

Our findings demonstrate that spatially restricted receptor expression is crucial for an appropriate MAMP response in roots and helps to conceptualize how MAMP perception can be used despite a continuous presence of microbial patterns in the soil.

Contact: changeMe@inrae.fr

Date de création : 19 juillet 2023