Offre d'emploi post-doctoral en biologie cellulaire végétale

Un poste postdoctoral financé par le LabEx TULIP via le Junior Package de Gregory Vert au sein du LRSV est disponible pour travailler sur l’endocytose des plantes, le rôle de l’ubiquitine dans la dégradation des protéines membranaires plasmatiques et sa pertinence fonctionnelle pour la croissance des plantes et les réponses au stress abiotique.

The successful candidate should be able to work independently and co-operatively within a team. An expertise in plant molecular biology, molecular genetics, biochemistry and imaging is required. Only applicants with at least one first-author research paper in top ranking scientific journals will be considered by the scientific committee of TULIP. Applicants should have received a PhD within the less than three years. Knowledge of the French language is not required. The initial work contract is for one year, renewable upon performance assessment.

The Vert lab located in the Plant Science Research Institute of Toulouse (LRSV, ; @LRSV_Toulouse) which together with other institutes on campus gather over 250 researchers dedicated to plant molecular biology. The campus  has  access to state-of-the-art  equipment  in  genomics, proteomics, imaging, plant growth facilities and phenotyping. Toulouse is a vibrant city in the south of France that also provides close access to outdoor activities such skiing, hiking, etc.

Candidates should send a single PDF containing a summary of research experience, a CV, a list of publications, and names and e-mail addresses of three references to Gregory Vert ( Review of applications will begin on January 21st and continue until the position is filled.

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Contact :

Greg Vert, PhD

Senior Group Leader CNRS

Plant Science Research Laboratory

UMR5546 CNRS/Université Toulouse 3

24 chemin de Borde-Rouge - BP 42617 Auzeville

31326 Castanet-Tolosan

Phone : +33 5 34 32 38 10

Date de création : 07 janvier 2019 | Rédaction : TULIP Communication